bees in the URBAN CORE
Bee diversity in urban environments
Our research explores why bee diversity is so high in urban areas - particularly St. Louis, which hosts over 201 bee species as of December 2019.
Cities are inhospitable environments for many species. Yet bees are able to thrive in urban areas, due to the availability of floral and nesting resources in parks, vacant lots, and home gardens. In fact, some cities host bee species diversity equal to or greater than nearby agricultural areas, and at times, as high as diversity in natural areas.
In this project, we explore why bee diversity is so high in cities, approaching the question from a variety of perspectives and scales. We have been sampling bee populations in community gardens, urban farms, vacant lots, and native vegetation sites across the city since 2011. We have identified 198 bee species in St. Louis, which represents over 45% of all the species found in the state of Missouri. The vast majority of the species are found north of Interstate 44.